I would describe myself as an adequate trader so please frame my perspective as such in any assessment.
– Risk management and your mental health are the most important aspects of trading.
>> Subtle adjustments in risk management can be the difference between winning and not winning.
>> Trading is about execution – if you find yourself in a position you didn’t expect you need to execute with a clear head.
>> When clients start to push you – pull back.
>> When clients say they absolutely don’t want to short – look at shorts.
>> People never take profit – they have recency bias.
>> People seek out confirmation bias – thats why Crypto Capo was so popular; I would say he is an inadequate trader and has a huge following.
>> People LOVE Ponzis with a smooth presentation – recently we had a case of “Crypto4Winners” rug pulling. They are represented in one of the same Telegram groups I advertise in.
They had 20 to 30 times the subscriptions I did and they could consistently do 20 – 30% a month – no drawdown.
Doing 20 – 30 a month is hard and you WILL have intermittent drawdown.
But people believe it and pile in.
That’s just how people are.
Stay AWAY from Black Boxes of any variety.
Ponzis are rife in this world.